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Autumn Approach

The start of September symbolises for me a new year, more so than January 1st. This is due to the considerable changes in the climate, in nature, our routine, our clothes, even the air smells different. This consciously or subconsciously changes our mindset. It is a time to stop, take stock of the year so far before we move forward into the last quarter.

Reflecting on what i have done and discovered over the Summer there is one postivite action which I have now started.

I met someone who completely changed their day to day routine. They wake up at 4am, begin the everyday morning routine, then start work ( they works from home) answering emails, completing work projects. They work until lunchtime (8hrs) then thats it! The rest of the day off, going to bed at 9pm. Genius, think of all the extra time gained!

Time is always something I am chasing, trying to find more off. It took a week to change my body clock waking at 6am and sleeping at 10pm, the extra morning time has been very productive.

As Autumn approaches Sawston Yoga has a lot going on:


🌟Chakra and Breathwork workshop with Bronwyn Hamilton was a great success, we hope to do more in the New Year.

🌟We are delighted to welcome a new teacher, Sarah Janes is taking over Beginners Yoga. Sarah is a local lady from Pampisford, she has recently qualified as a Yoga practitioner.


🌟I'm excited to announce a new class, Chair Yoga on Friday afternoons. Chair Yoga is a fantastic way to gain the benefits of Yoga without the hassle of getting up and down from the floor. Chair Yoga is a gentle form of Yoga using a chair while seated or for standing, making Yoga accessible for everybody.


🌟Menopause Yoga

These sessions are designed to educate and empower women who want to know more or who may be struggling with Menopausal symptoms.

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